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Our expert salespeople are here to help guide you to create an effective campaign. Your target market and budget help determine how many signs you can use to convey your message.

Fill out the CONTACT FORM form on our website and a salesperson will be in touch to help.

  • Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts
  • Please review our market map showing overall coverage: MARKET MAP

Outdoor Advertising is the backbone of marketing strategies and provides massive reach and frequency, as people are constantly exposed to outdoor ads while commuting or going about their daily activities. Research shows that outdoor ads have a high recall rate, with consumers remembering the messages even after they have passed by. It can increase brand awareness, drive foot traffic to retail locations, and reinforce other marketing efforts.

Media comparison chart: OOH AD RECALL CHART

Outdoor advertising, also known as out-of-home (OOH) advertising, refers to any form of advertising that reaches consumers while they are outside of their homes. This can include billboards, digital signage, street furniture, transit advertising (buses, bus shelters, taxis, trains), and more. It aims to capture the attention of people in public spaces, driving brand awareness and influencing consumer behavior.

Design and File Setup

  • The best practice is to keep it simple. People are on the move when they see your sign, so they only have seconds to ingest your message. You can refer to one of our blog posts for guidance. OOH Design
  • We offer design services if needed. We bill $125/hour.

Yes, we send proofs via email for approval on all signs.

For files less than 15M, you can email them to Files larger than 15M, please use our WeTransfer site,, or share via Dropbox or Google Drive.

  • Traditional Bus Signs: 2 weeks prior to contract start date.
  • All Wraps (Full, Half & King Kong) and billboards: 30 days prior to contract start date.
  • Digital Billboards and Kiosks: 1 week prior to contract start date.

We have templates for all bus wraps (Full, Half & King Kongs). There are no templates for traditional bus signs or billboards.

  • We prefer PDF files. We have spec sheets that provide an overview of file setup.
    • Bus Signs: PDF file, built to size or 10% scale. No bleeds or Adobe crop marks needed. 150 PPI at full size. BUS SIGN SPEC SHEET
    • Bus Wraps: PDF file, using provided template. Artwork must be on the artwork layer. 150 PPI at full size. WRAP SPEC SHEET
    • Billboards: each billboard has different specifications. Spec sheets will be provided.
    • Digital Boards: each board has different aspect rations. Dimensions will be provided.

Each transit has different bus styles within their system. Sizing will depend on what buses are available for your timeframe. Please refer to your contract for actual sizes.

Rate Cards

Almost all transits alternate their buses. No one bus runs one route, so we cannot sell by route. Your sign(s) will travel over multiple routes, gaining higher impressions. The only transit that has dedicated buses by route is Advance Transit, in Hanover, NH / White River Junction, VT.

They are a one-time charge to cover the printing, installation, and removal of your signs.

For the transits that have a bus shelter advertising program, there is a link on the rate card. Please note that not all transits allow bus shelter ads.

There is a link on each rate card that brings you to a transit route map.

The pricing is per bus, per 4-week cycle.

  • For-profit businesses can refer to the OPEN rate column for the 4-week rate. If you are looking to run an annual campaign, then the ANNUAL rate column would apply. (Please note that an annual contract is 13, 4-week cycles)
  • Non-profit organizations receive a discount and can refer to the ANNUAL rate column for the 4-week rate.


We send proof-of-performance photos after the signs are installed. We typically send them within a few days of your contract’s start date.

  • BUS SHELTERS: Printed on 8-12 mil rigid film, flexible smooth banner, .030 polystyrene or PE material that can withstand temperature changes and moisture. Weather-fast inks with sufficient UV protection required.
  • BACKLIT FILM: Printed on a 7-12 mil, semi-rigid satin backlit ­film (non-adhesive). Weather-fast inks with sufficient UV protection required.
    • Mounted – Printed on .030” polystyrene, no laminate needed.
    • Direct Apply – Printed on 3M™ Transit AdGraphic Film IJ36, Orafol 3621 removable vinyl or Busmark vinyl, all with UV ­film laminate or a liquid laminate if printed using UV inks.
  • BILLBOARDS: Refer to unit specific dimensions and finishing requirements. Printed on lightweight vinyl banner material. The safety code requires that ALL flex material be fire resistant/flame retardant. All material used for installations must conform to this city code. The listed MEA number (Materials & Equipment Acceptability) must be supplied.

We force production on all bus signs. You can supply your own billboard, bus shelter and interior signs, if you follow our specifications. Signs received that are not to spec may be refused.

Our contracts start on Mondays and end on Sundays. This allows time to schedule installation over the weekends. If you need to start on a specific date that is not a Monday, please reach out to your salesperson.

Some inventory is not available for your start date. We will propose the next available spot for your campaign.

  • Traditional signs: 4-week minimum
  • King Kong Wraps: 8-week minimum
  • Full and Half Wraps: 12-week minimum
  • Billboards: 12-week minimum


Yes, we will work with you to send the invoice by the date needed.

Let your salesperson know and they will have the invoice sent to your billing address.

Hillary Meekins:

  • A one-time Production/Installation Invoice (and any applicable Design Services rendered) will be sent via email upon installation of media content. Monthly rental invoices will be sent via email on the flight start date and monthly thereafter for the length of the contract.
  • Any changeouts to media content will be invoiced as stated within the contract upon installation, and subject to market pricing changes as may be required.